Under a cloud of my own
I should be grateful, I am sure - our house did NOT flood last Friday, though colleagues at work were stuck all night in their cars trying to get home (yes, I have colleagues who live in Tewkesbury and in Upton on Severn - take a look at the pictures if you don't know what I am talking about). Our house did not flood, but our neighbour's did (they're on slightly lower ground opposite - an old mill, so they are of course near the evil brook which went beserk).
The evil brook took a large part of our garden too - about 2m x 6m (imperial? About 6ft by 20ft) It's a long story, but before we bought the house the course of the brook had been slightly altered to accommodate the bio disk system (modern eco-friendly septic tank). The rain this past 2 months has just been too much, and where the brook gently curves, the water has eaten away at the bend and the bank on the far side of the garden has just gone. First we lost the garlic, then the celeriac and fennel - now it's threatening the purple french beans. I know this isn't the end of the world, and thank heavens we don't have water in the house (how soul-destroying) AND we have clean running water and no problems with our electricity supply but still WOULD YOU STOP F*CKING RAINING NOW!
In other news, MIL had her breast cancer removed and she had the results on it today - it is a type 1 cancer - non-aggressive and she might have gone years and years and even died without it growing or becoming a threat. I spoke to her on the phone tonight and she was so perky and relieved, and just back to her normal self, it brought tears to my eyes.
Will have to break this off now - R needs picking up from town. A rare night out, and I'm the taxi cab.
More soon xxx
glad to hear you didn't get flooded. Our basement managed to flood despite the fact we are not in a flood zone, but there you go.
Fantastic news about your MIL, i am so relieved for all of you.
Thalia, at 9:35 pm
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